Before you move, learn how to declutter your home

Packing boxes ready for move

A new relocation is an ideal time to take a trip around the house and check for stuff that you may not need after you settle into your new life. You’ll notice a big reduction in your workload.

How to declutter before relocating is more than just a matter of basic cleaning and interior organisation; it also serves as a key aspect of restoring your peace of mind.

People with less possessions have fewer things to worry about, clean and maintain, and are less likely to be robbed. As a result, there is less stress and, in some ways, more free time.

Preparations for moving: How to declutter

Make a date. It should take around a month to prepare, and it may take more than one day. Make sure you have nothing else planned for that time and that there are no additional distractions – no visitors, children, or spouse. When working alone, most people achieve their highest levels of productivity.

Make a list of everything you want to do. This is to ensure that you have a fundamental strategy in place. You can go as in-depth as you wish, or simply list the rooms in your house, leaving a large blank space beneath each one for you to jot down the objects you decide to get rid of as you go.

Consider the concept for a while. We live in a materialistic society, therefore getting rid of anything would be difficult for most people. So allow yourself time to be really certain you’re going to do it. Make some ground rules.
For example, “expired items go on the list regardless,” “stuff I’ll never use go on the list regardless,” and so on.

Make a deadline for yourself. This isn’t for everyone, but if you’re someone who works better under duress, go for it.

How to tidy before relocating

Meditate. Allow yourself at least a half-minute of complete inactivity. The greatest place to begin is with a clear mind.

One room at a time should be worked on. Otherwise, you’ll become knotted and may spend the entire day doing nothing.

Remove everything from the room. Empty every conceivable container to save time and get a better idea of what you’re having.

Make a decision about what you require

This is a difficult one since you can find that you require everything. “Okay, this might be useful in that unusual event, but will it be so horrible even if I don’t have it?” is the ideal question to ask yourself in this case.
Begin with a piece of paper. Paper tends to gather the most in every home. It could take an entire day to deal with all of the documents, user manuals, and even ancient books that have been in your library for more than 40 years, with pages that are so delicate that they shatter between your fingertips. You’ll feel much better once you’ve gotten rid of the paper.

Separate the elements that you’re not sure about.